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Step therapy (or fail first) policies introduce significant barriers to access to effective treatments for patients with rheumatic diseases. They also impose significant administrative and cost burdens on providers and practices. The ACR and ARP are advocating state governments, Congress and regulatory agencies limit the impact of these policies on access to care by creating a standard exceptions process, as well as other solutions.
In April, legislation was introduced in the House (H.R. 2279) by Reps. Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.) and Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio)—both medical professionals—and we expect the Senate to follow soon. In May, an op-ed by ACR President Paula Marchetta, MD, MBA, was published in The Hill, calling on lawmakers to support the Safe Step Act and put patients first.
Access 2020 is our RheumPAC fundraising drive with emphasis on broadening access in a number of critical areas for rheumatology. Now more than ever we need the support of advocates like you. This is a fight that requires resources.
Take a moment and decide what this access means to you and lend your support. Every dollar is a voice for access to care.
For More Information
If you are interested in joining your colleagues in rheumatology advocacy, visit rheumpac.org to learn more about current policy issues and RheumPAC.