Yvonne M. van der Kraan, BSc, Andrew Lui, PT, DPT, Anneke Spoorenberg, MD, Suzanne Arends, PhD, & Lianne S. Gensler, MD |
‘Physical therapy is a mainstay of managing rheumatic diseases, but what’s the evidence, how do we monitor, and what types of therapy should we advocate?’ asks Physician Editor Bharat Kumar, MD, MME, FACP, FAAAAI, RhMSUS. ‘Here, we provide some practical recommendations for the everyday rheumatologist.’ Physical activity, including occupational and recreational activities, is one of…
Understanding the intersection of diabetes mellitus & rheumatic diseases, including lesser known rheumatic entities of diabetes, such as diabetic cheiroarthropathy, scleredema & diabetic myonecrosis, is crucial for accurate diagnosis.
Donald Thomas, MD, FACP, FACR, RhMSUS, & Jason Liebowitz, MD |
“ANA’s are some of most commonly ordered tests but what exactly are they and what do you do with a positive ANA? Check out the Editor’s Pick for October to learn more,” says Physician Editor Bharat Kumar, MD, MME, FACP, FAAAAI, RhMSUS.
“SLE has long been a disease with many clinical manifestations but few treatment options,” says Physician Editor Bharat Kumar, explaining why he thinks this article is a must-read. “That’s rapidly changing with advances in our knowledge of lupus, especially in the role of B-cells in triggering the onset and perpetuating disease activity of lupus.”
Kamini E. Kuchinad, MD, MPH, Ambereen Mehta, MD, MPH, David Wu, MD, & Jemima Albayda, MD |
“Our patients’ goals for their care aren’t always the same as ours. We’re typically focused on disease control, and they’re often focused on quality of life. Having ongoing discussions about care goals is the only way to know when it’s time to switch gears. Would you know when to refer your patients to palliative care?…
Clinicians should not rely on glucocorticoids as a first-line treatment of SARD-ILD in patients with systemic sclerosis, according to a strong recommendation in a new ILD treatment guideline from the ACR and CHEST. The guideline is one of two addressing the screening, monitoring and treatment of patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) secondary to systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARDs).