On average, physicians vote at a rate 5% lower than the general population. In a world where political decisions impact nearly every aspect of our lives, voting is crucial for creating a policy environment that allows rheumatology practices to thrive.
After the 2020 Election, What’s in Store for Rheumatology Advocacy?
Despite high voter turnout and many new faces entering Congress, minimal power shifts in most levels of government will have implications for the ACR’s advocacy agenda in 2021.

RheumPAC Backs Pro-Rheumatology Congressional Candidate Dr. Matt Heinz from Arizona
RheumPAC is the ACR’s political action committee dedicated to increasing rheumatology’s presence on Capitol Hill. It is the only PAC dedicated to the interests of all rheumatologists and their patients. RheumPAC began in 2007 with the purpose of building contacts, influence and visibility within Washington, D.C. for rheumatology. RheumPAC works to support and elect pro-rheumatology…
The Race Between Senators McCain and Obama
At one time, Senators John McCain and Barack Obama were both considered the underdog choices to receive nominations for the 2008 presidential election.