In 2022, rheumatology practices should prepare for documentation, coding, billing and reimbursement revisions related to evaluation and management (E/M), split/shared billing policies and telehealth services.
ACR Convergence 2020 Workshop Covers 2021 Practice Management & Coding Changes
Attendees at the daylong workshop will learn about key evaluation and management code changes coming in 2021 that affect rheumatologists and rheumatology professionals.

Don’t Miss 2020 E/M Coding Workshop in New Orleans
Access to good training and education on practice management and coding issues has proved beneficial to physician success. Getting up-to-date information on compliance, insurance reimbursement, office efficiency, coding and billing is crucial for effective and efficient practice management. The ACR’s Committee on Rheumatologic Care (CORC) has created the premier one-day E/M Documentation Trends and Best…
Closed Case? ACR Fights CMS Proposed Changes for E/M Reimbursement
When the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed coding and documentation changes to consolidate evaluation and management (E/M) services last fall, the ACR was among many specialist societies actively involved in advocating against the proposed ruling. The changes to E/M coding were part of a larger initiative to reduce the documentation burden on…

ACR Leaders Discuss E/M Coding Changes, Step Therapy & More
CHICAGO—ACR leaders described a series of looming legislative and regulatory threats to rheumatologists and their patients—including the proposed collapsing of evaluation and management (E/M) coding and potential changes to step therapy rules—and urged everyone in the field to make their voices heard to quash the proposals. They also recounted recent victories in the policy realm…
How to Document E/M Services
Documenting evaluation and management (E/M) services involves many factors, and it’s important to code to the most appropriate level of service to avoid compliance risks. To assist providers with documentation, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provides its 1995 and 1997 Documentation Guidelines for Evaluation and Management Services. For billing purposes, either version…
Billing for Time
When counseling or coordination of care dominates the encounter between the physician and the patient and his or her family, time may be considered the controlling factor to qualify for a particular level of E/M coding.