(Reuters Health)—It takes 12.4 months of bisphosphonate therapy to prevent one nonvertebral fracture per 100 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials suggests.1 Researchers examined data on 10 randomized clinical trials with a total of 23,384 women who had an osteoporosis diagnosis based on either existing vertebral fractures or a bone mineral…

FDA Approves New Osteoporosis Medication
Romosozumab-aqqg has been approved in the U.S. for treating postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high risk of fracture…
FDA Greenlights Osteoporosis Drug for Postmenopausal Women
(Reuters)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it has approved Amgen’s osteoporosis treatment for postmenopausal women who are at high risk of fracture. Evenity (romosozumab-aqqg), developed jointly with Belgium-based UCB SA, helps reduce the risk of fracture by increasing bone mass and mildly inhibiting the break down of bone minerals. Romosozumab-aqqg belongs to a new…
BMD Not a Reliable Predictor of Vertebral Fragility Fracture in Older Women
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Bone mineral density (BMD), particularly lumbar BMD, may not reliably indicate the presence of asymptomatic vertebral fragility fractures in post-menopausal women, new findings suggest. In a study online May 9 in Bone, Italian researchers found such fractures were common among women seen at an osteoporosis clinic, yet the vast majority had not…
Romosozumab Has Biggest BMD Benefit in First Year of Treatment
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Romosozumab shows smaller benefits for increasing bone mineral density (BMD) in the second year of treatment compared to the first, new research suggests. The extension of a phase 2 study in postmenopausal women with low bone mass also found BMD decreased sharply when patients on romosozumab were switched to placebo after two…
Healthy Diet Linked to Lower Hip Fracture Risk in U.S. Women
(Reuters Health)—Eating an overall healthy diet is tied to a lower risk of hip fracture among women over age 50, a U.S. study suggests. Researchers analyzed decades’ worth of dietary and health data for more than 100,000 U.S. men and women. They found that women who scored highest on the American Healthy Eating Index-2010 (AHEI)…
Baseline Bone Measures Predict Risk of Fragility Fracture in Postmenopausal
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Baseline measures of bone density, microarchitecture and strength predict the risk of fragility fractures in postmenopausal women, according to results from the Calgary CaMOS cohort. Changes in bone health were not associated with fracture risk, however, said Dr. Lauren A. Burt from the University of Calgary, Canada, who worked on the study….
Older Women Should Not Take Hormones to Prevent Chronic Diseases
(Reuters Health)— Postmenopausal women should not use hormone therapy to prevent chronic medical conditions, because the risk of significant side effects outweighs the unclear evidence of a benefit, according to a government-backed panel of experts. Most chronic conditions – coronary heart disease, dementia, stroke, fractures, and breast cancer, for example – are more common with…