Patients newly diagnosed with a rheumatic disease may have difficulty coping and require help beyond the rheumatology clinic. A licensed psychologist can help these patients manage their anxiety and depression through counseling…

Patients newly diagnosed with a rheumatic disease may have difficulty coping and require help beyond the rheumatology clinic. A licensed psychologist can help these patients manage their anxiety and depression through counseling…
Leslie Mertz, PhD |
Arthritis Care & Research (AC&R), a peer-reviewed journal published monthly, comprises original research, review articles and editorials that “move clinical research and practice forward in a meaningful way,” according to AC&R Editor-in-Chief Kelli D. Allen, PhD. That includes research on evidence-based practice; clinical problems; practice guidelines; educational, social, and public health issues; health economics and…
At first, there was an incomprehensibly loud explosion. And out of that explosion, about 4.5 billion years afterward, emerged the world’s first rheumatologist. Only a few notable things have happened between these two events, but the most important dynamic has been the continuous expansion of our universe. If the speculations of many cosmologists are correct,…
ACR Convergence 2024—In a wide-ranging and engaging discussion, members of the Association of Rheumatology Professionals (ARP) tracked their progress over the years across clinical practice, research production and representation in the field, while outlining challenges and opportunities to come. The session at ACR Convergence included a panel and an audience full of past presidents of…
At the ARP Keynote lecture at ACR Convengence 2024, Sandra Mintz, RN, MS, discussed the importance of empathy & trust-building between doctors & their rheumatology patients.
Experts offered perspectives on how symptoms of rheumatic disease, such as fatigue, affect the physical, cognitive and emotional health of patients and offered solutions.
There’s a Word file—somewhere—on one of the many flash drives jumbled in a drawer in my home office. That file is named something like “Overcoming_Procrastination_Column.docx” and was last accessed in the year 2018. I know I wrote about 500 words, and then, one day, I said I would finish it later. But I never did….
June is always a bittersweet month, at least in academic medicine. We get to look forward to a new fresh set of faces coming into our training programs, but we also have to say goodbye to those once-fresh faces that have progressed through their medical education journeys. These transitions are never easy, neither for the…
Implicit bias can affect patient care at the physician level when they’re making treatment decisions and at the healthcare organization level when they’re choosing new hires. Here are insights into strategies rheumatologists can use to become aware of, and question, their implicit biases.
Kim Steinbarger, PT, MHS, DHSc |
Editor’s note: Originally published on Oct. 12, 2023. Updated Feb. 28, 2024, to add fact sheets. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), a leading cause of medical errors and poor care is a lack of communication between healthcare providers.1 As healthcare has evolved, the importance of holistic care has become more…