thesomeday123; Martial Red / shutterstock.com
Join us in Chicago for the 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting on Oct. 19–24. Register now to save; advance registration rates end Oct. 3.
High-Impact Learning Starts with Pre-Meeting Courses
Pre-meeting courses offer attendees unique learning opportunities in specific topic areas. The pre-meeting courses will be held at McCormick Place Oct. 19–20. No matter your area of practice, you’re sure to find something just for you.
- ACR Basic Research Conference: Epigenetics in Immune-Mediated Disease (Oct. 19–20)
- ACR Clinical Research Conference: Applications of Mobile Health Technologies (Oct. 19–20)
- Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course for Rheumatologists—Fundamentals (Oct. 19–20)
- Coding: Unlock the Mysteries of Advanced Coding for Rheumatology (Oct. 19)
- ACR Review Course (Oct. 20)
- ACR/ARHP Immunology Breakthroughs: Impact on Diagnosis and Therapy (Oct. 20)
- Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course for Rheumatologists—Advanced (Oct. 20)
- Practice Management: Putting the Pieces Together—Winning Strategies for Rheumatology Practices (Oct. 20)
2018 Opening Lecture
Resilience: Facing a Health Crisis Head On
Speaker: Jonathan Koch, President and CCO of Asylum Entertainment LLC
Saturday, Oct. 20
What factors predict survival in times of great adversity? Surely, the most important is resilience. In this year’s unique and compelling opening lecture, a Hollywood mogul shares his story of resilience—how he survived an acute, life-threatening medical crisis and his arduous road to recovery in physical rehabilitation and therapy. Veteran film and television producer Jonathan Koch, president and CCO of Asylum Entertainment LLC, will focus on the patient’s journey, highlighting how a resilient team of dedicated, skilled healthcare professionals can work with patients as partners to triumph over challenging and rare illnesses.
A few years ago, Mr. Koch, a busy executive and dad, rapidly developed a serious illness that led quickly to hospitalization in an intensive care unit. It was a puzzling and rare diagnosis: acute hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. He faced losing not just his successful business career in the entertainment industry, but his life and the life yet to be lived with his loved ones.
Mr. Koch’s initial therapy saved his life, but he awoke from a medically induced coma with severe necrosis in his extremities. He required amputation of his hands and feet. In this lecture, he will describe the physical and emotional trauma he endured and share his experience of working with his healthcare team to restore his independence and mobility so he could return to his career, dance with his daughter and even play tennis. This heartbreaking and heart-warming talk will illuminate the patient’s perspective on care, the pain and grief associated with illness and the power of resilience to fuel recovery and restore independence. Mr. Koch’s inspiring story will also spotlight how healthcare providers can emphasize resilience in the care setting, not just for patients struggling to overcome illness, but for themselves.
ARHP Keynote Address
2030: A Rheumatology Odyssey