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The ACR is currently seeking nominations for individuals to serve as trainees to the American Medical Association (AMA) Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and Relative Value Update (RUC) Committees. Advisors of the CPT and RUC play a crucial role in the code creation and valuation process and allows the ACR to have a significant voice in influencing changes and ensuring rheumatology services are effectively represented.
The AMA CPT and RUC advisory committees are groups of physicians, representing the national medical specialty societies, that advise the AMA panels on matters concerning coding and nomenclature and that advocate for fair reimbursement on physician work and practice expense values to be assigned to new or revised CPT codes.
Our goal is to identify two physicians to train with our primary RUC/CPT advisors to gain an understanding of the complex process and policies involved in determining physician coding and reimbursement.
Basic Responsibilities of the CPT Advisor:
- Understand coding and reimbursement guidelines;
- Work with staff and coalitions to develop code change proposals for new and/or revised codes;
- Participate in conference calls throughout the year regarding codes being worked on or revised, based on the ACR’s involvement;
- Communicate and coordinate with nominating specialty society staff and physician leadership, including the society’s delegation to the AMA House of Delegates; and
- Show willingness and flexibility to travel—the CPT panel meets three times yearly, usually in February, May and September.
Basic Responsibilities of the RUC Alternate Advisor:
- Understand physician work and practice expense values as they relate to reimbursement;
- Work with staff and the RUC advisor to develop surveys;
- Participate in conference calls throughout the year regarding codes being worked on or revised, based on the ACR’s involvement; and
- Show willingness and flexibility to travel—the RUC panel meets three times yearly, usually in January, April and October.
To indicate your interest, email the following no later than June 1, 2022, to [email protected] and put “CPT/RUC Trainee Position” in the subject field:
- A brief statement of interest with current contact information; and
- Your curriculum vitae.
For questions or additional information on these appointments, contact Antanya Chung at (404) 633-3777 x818, or [email protected].