May’s Coding Challenge
Coding Corner Answer
May’s Coding Answer
Paget’s Disease of Bone
Paget’s disease generally affects people over 40, and while the disease is associated with heredity, the cause is unknown. The ACR has recently added a fact sheet about this condition to the patient education material online.
Have We Reached an Estrogen Comfort Zone?
A review of research on prescribing estrogens in systemic lupus erythematosus
Science from our Sisters
Recommended reading from A&R
Reading Rheum
Handpicked Reviews of Contemporary Literature
EUnited to Cure
AutoCure brings together researchers across Europe to combat RA
Readers Answer ‘Twenty Questions’
The March Rheuminations column, “Twenty Questions, Part 1” inspired many letters from TR readers. Here are just a few of those responses.
Audioconference Offers Advice on Adolescent’s Low Back Pain
Hepatitis-C virus (HCV)-associated arthritis is highlighted this month in our ongoing series on patient education materials.
Coding Corner Answer
March’s Coding Answer