We all bring to the table our skills to form a comprehensive treatment plan, and that’s essential for meeting the patient’s total needs. It’s an excellent model to deliver quality care. —Robert Richardson, PT, MEd Robert Richardson, PT, MEd, has a lively voice that conveys his deep enthusiasm for a profession he’s had a hand…
Search results for: liver
Hepatitis-C Virus–Associated Arthritis
Hepatitis-C virus (HCV)-associated arthritis is highlighted this month in our ongoing series on patient education materials.
Rheum’s Role in the New National Health Service
What the United States can learn from the U.K. system
Clinician Call to Action
Use teamwork, screening, and scheduling to improve efficiency—and patient care
Put Hughes Syndrome on Your Radar
Diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome is increasing. Here’s how to recognize and treat it
Professional Partners
Rheumatologists and nurse practitioners team up to improve workflow and patient care
What Has the ACR Done for You Lately?
The world in which we currently practice is not the same one we knew five to 10 years ago. Insurers second-guess our decisions and create numerous hurdles for us to overcome before our patients can be treated. Government agencies are seeking ways to reduce healthcare expenditures and improve what they perceive as a lack of quality and consistency in healthcare delivery. These groups, as well as Congress and employers (who purchase benefits for their employees), have begun a concerted effort to grade rheumatologists on the basis of what they perceive to be quality and efficiency and then pay us according to those criteria.
The Chimeric Self
Michrochimerism research offers insights into several autoimmune conditions
Office Visit
A Day in the Life of Niveditha Mohan, MD
ACR Activism Resources
Practice advocacy: not just for private practitioners