NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—A new position paper from the American College of Physicians (ACP) aims to reduce administrative tasks in health care. Reducing these tasks has been an important long-term objective of ACP, which developed the Patients before Paperwork initiative in 2015 as part of this effort. In a publication online on March 27 in…

ACR Recommends You Treat the Symptoms for Gout Patients
In 1982, my wife (also a rheumatologist) and I attended our first American Rheumatism Association (now the ACR) national meeting. After the meeting we stayed with a friend in a suburb of Boston, where we also had the opportunity to meet our hostess’ in-laws, a retired general practitioner and his wife. When her father-in-law shook…

FDA Update on Rituximab & Etanercept; Plus New ACP Gout Guideline
The FDA is considering an application for subcutaneous rituximab and has approved an application for etanercept to treat pediatric patients with plaque psoriasis…

New Toolkits Ease Pediatric-to-Adult-Care Transitions for Rheumatology Patients
The transition from pediatric to adult care can be a rocky one. For many rheumatology patients, any problems in the move can cause gaps in care. To address this issue, the ACR joined the American College of Physicians’ (ACP) Pediatric to Adult Care Transitions Initiative. The Initiative is a project spearheaded by the ACP’s Council…
Docs & Patients Should Remember to Use Generics
(Reuters Health)—Prescribing generic medicines instead of brand name drugs whenever possible cuts costs, improves patient adherence and improves health outcomes, according to a new recommendation from the American College of Physicians. “Generic medications are cheaper and patients are more likely to get those prescriptions filled,” says Dr. Amir Qaseem of the American College of Physicians,…