In late August, leaders of state and local rheumatology societies from across the nation connected with each other and with ACR president Ken Saag, MD, in a roundtable-style meeting. State and local rheumatology leaders shared local updates, successes and challenges and discussed ACR initiatives.

Meet New ACR President Kenneth G. Saag, MD, MSc
Kenneth G. Saag, MD, MSc, is a nationally recognized expert & researcher in the epidemiology of gout, osteoporosis & rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Saag brings a penchant for problem solving & a strong belief in the power of collaboration to his newest role in the College as the 85th ACR president.

Fall 2020’s Awards, Appointments & Announcements in Rheumatology
S. Louis Bridges Jr., MD, PhD, Moves to New York S. Louis Bridges Jr., MD, PhD, became the new physician in chief and chair of the Department of Medicine, Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), New York, on Sept. 1. He will also serve as the chief of rheumatology at Weill Cornell College of Medicine. Prior…