Hip and knee replacements—despite advancement in treatments for rheumatic diseases, some patients will still need to undergo these surgeries. Here are insights into the considerations, costs and complications of total joint arthroplasty.
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Combining paracetamol (acetaminophen) with ibuprofen does not cut postoperative use of morphine in a clinically meaningful way relative to ibuprofen alone, in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA), results of a Danish randomized trial suggest. “Although the combined use of paracetamol and ibuprofen reduced immediate postoperative morphine consumption compared with paracetamol alone…
Total hip replacement (THR) surgery is an effective way to reduce pain and improve function in people with advanced hip osteoarthritis (OA). In light of aging populations, there’s a need to use contemporary, population-level data to plan for future service provision. In a study designed to compare THR data across countries, researchers demonstrated a significant increase in the overall use of and lifetime risk for THR from 2003 to 2013. Women consistently had a higher lifetime risk of surgery than men in all five countries studied, whereas men in all five countries demonstrated a significant increase in lifetime risk for THR over time…
A recent study of patients with psoriatic arthritis and cutaneous psoriasis found that these patients do not have a higher risk of worse outcomes after total hip arthroplasty compared with patients with osteoarthritis…
(Reuters Health)—People with psychiatric illnesses are more likely to have complications after hip replacement surgery, according to a recent analysis. This added risk is something doctors and patients should discuss in advance, the study team writes in The Journal of Arthroplasty, March 17. Previous studies have linked depression and other mental illnesses to greater complications…
Want to learn more about total hip arthroplasty? Register for the January 17 ARHP Rheumatology Audioconference, Minimally Invasive and Percutaneous Total Hip Arthroplasties, where Alberto Bolanos, MD, will describe the latest advances in these procedures.