(Reuters)—Johnson & Johnson’s Stelara (ustekinumab) was significantly better than placebo at inducing clinical response and remissions in patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease, according to data from a late stage trial, providing ammunition for a potential expanded approval of the medicine. Stelara, a biotech medicine that blocks inflammation, is approved to treat plaque psoriasis…

Ustekinumab Can Be Used to Safely Treat Teens & More
A recent study showed ustekinumab can be used to treat teens with moderate to severe psoriasis. Also, Phase 2 trials for an analgesic combination drug show it holds promise for reducing post-operative pain…
Ustekinumab Found to Be Effective in Adolescents with Psoriasis
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Adolescents with moderate to severe psoriasis may respond to the human monoclonal antibody ustekinumab as well as adults, with no unexpected side effects, a new study found. The findings are exciting in part because patients in this age group have limited treatment options, the study’s lead author Dr. Ian Landells, of Memorial…

Guselkumab Studied to Treat RA & Plaque Psoriasis
In a Phase 2 study, researchers evaluated the effectiveness of guselkumab to alleviate symptoms in patients with active RA suffering from tender and swollen joints.