The Department of Health & Human Services has released a final rule that would penalize healthcare providers who interfere with a patient’s access to, exchange or use of their electronic health information.

Implications of Florida’s Electronic Health Records Data Storage Law
Healthcare is a high-priority target for cyber criminals. State-level measures, such as a new Florida law, fail to address the root problems of data security but may affect how providers manage patient data.

Leveraging the ACR’s RISE Registry for Research
I have always been dissatisfied with the apparent dichotomy between researchers and clinicians; this is a false divide. Yes, research includes laboratory-based investigation, clinical trials, and retrospective and prospective studies of disease entities, among other pursuits. However, clinicians also contribute to research by sharing clinical data and through observations of their patients. Clinicians’ daily contributions…

How Advances in Artificial Intelligence May Aid Rheumatology
From digital scribes to predictive pharmacology—as artificial intelligence advances, technology has a lot to offer medicine. What opportunities lie ahead for rheumatologists and their patients?

Big Data Drives New Research
Big data can benefit rheumatology research. But according to experts at the 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, the data must first be accessible, interoperable and shareable…

How Decentralized Technology May Revolutionize Data in Healthcare
Rheumatologists may benefit from the decentralized technology that makes cryptocurrency possible: blockchain. According to Anh L. Ngo, MD, MBA, using blockchain in healthcare may increase payment and purchasing efficiency and revolutionize EHR management…

EHRs Play a Role in Physician Burnout
A recently published research review notes physician burnout has become a crisis in the U.S. The authors describe how the added administrative tasks of electronic health records (EHRs) have contributed to the crisis, as well as how regulatory requirements and EHR platform design exacerbate the situation…

Avoid Errors: Insights into Ensuring Accurate Data in EHRs
With the increasing use of electronic health records and quality measure reporting requirements, data collection has become crucial for rheumatologists. But how do clinicians prevent human error and ensure data accuracy?
New Position Paper Aims to Reduce Administrative Tasks in Healthcare
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—A new position paper from the American College of Physicians (ACP) aims to reduce administrative tasks in health care. Reducing these tasks has been an important long-term objective of ACP, which developed the Patients before Paperwork initiative in 2015 as part of this effort. In a publication online on March 27 in…
RISE Up: The Registry Now Includes More than 4 Million Patient Encounters & Counting
ATLANTA—Despite a downpour outside, ACR and ARHP leaders enjoyed sunny news about the Rheumatology Informatics System for Effectiveness (RISE) Registry at the on Jan. 21. RISE now includes data on more than 4 million patient encounters, and attendees were charged with thinking of ways to increase utilization of the registry and better use its valuable information….