Research from Gloersen et al. suggests the systemic effects of obesity, as measured by leptin, may play a role in the severity of pain experienced by patients with hand osteoarthritis.
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Lower doses of cannabidiol (CBD) failed to provide any meaningful reduction in pain when added to other analgesic therapy in patients with hand osteoarthritis (OA) or psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in a randomized, placebo-controlled study from Denmark.1 Writing in the journal, Pain, Jonathan Vela, MD, and colleagues of Aalborg University note that CBD…
Pain is the main reason patients with osteoarthritis (OA) seek medical help because of the substantial burden it imposes and its impact on quality of life. Pain can actually change the way the central nervous system works. This central sensitization results in more pain with less provocation. And according to results from an observational study…
Recent clinical trials have evaluated the efficacy of GSK3196165, a monoclonal antibody, and fasinumab, a nerve growth factor antibody, in treating patients with osteoarthritis and pain…
Hand and digit pain are common presenting symptoms to primary care physicians, rheumatologists, physiatrists and neurologists. There are many causes, but quality and location of the pain can be important clues to the diagnosis. Glomus tumors, neurovascular hamartomas of the glomus body, are an uncommon cause of hand pain. The glomus unit itself is a…