FDA has granted Descartes-08, an mRNA chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy, a rare pediatric disease designation for the treatment of juvenile dermatomyositis.

ACR Image Competition 2024 Results, Part 2—People’s Choice
The 2024 Image Competition showcased images representing a diverse range of pediatric patients. Here, we showcase the images from Europe and Central Asia, which were selected by ACR Convergence 2024 attendees in the first plenary session to receive the People’s Choice Award. A Rare Presentation of a Rare Disease An 18-month-old boy from Angola was…

AC&R Study Summary: Standardizing Treatment for Moderately Severe JDM
Why was this study done? Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is the most common type of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy in childhood, and most patients have a chronic disease course requiring prolonged administration of systemic glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive agents. The initial management for patients with moderately severe JDM is relatively standardized, typically including methotrexate and systemic glucocorticoids with…

Updates in Juvenile Dermatomyositis: Pathogenesis & Patient Care
Experts provided an update on juvenile dermatomyositis, discussing patient care, treatment options and the pathogenesis of disease.

Case Report: Digital Ulcers & Weight Loss in a Pediatric Patient
Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is a childhood form of inflammatory myopathy affecting children younger than 18 years. The diagnosis of JDM is based on characteristic clinical features of proximal muscle weakness, skin rash, elevated muscle enzymes, magnetic resonance imaging and muscle biopsy.1 Autoantibodies seen in patients with inflammatory myopathy are not only associated with particular phenotypes…

Case Report: Rapidly Progressive Interstitial Lung Disease in a 6-Year-Old
Clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis (CADM), a rare subset of dermatomyositis (DM), is an autoimmune disease characterized by cutaneous findings of typical DM without evidence of myositis. Childhood presentation of CADM is rare, and not many studies describe the epidemiology of juvenile CADM.1,2 Although lung disease is rare among patients with juvenile DM, a few reports have…
European Group Offers Guidance on Managing Juvenile Dermatomyositis
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—A European working group has formulated consensus-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) with the goal of producing a “standard of care” for patients with JDM throughout Europe. The group is part of a European initiative called SHARE [Single Hub and Access point for pediatric Rheumatology in Europe]…
Inflammatory Myopathies in Children
Treatment options and recent research for juvenile dermatomyositis.
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