A survey in June, led by the AMA but endorsed by the ACR, will collect data on practice costs and hours of patient care. Practices selected to participate will be contacted via email and U.S. Postal Service, and are encouraged to respond.

The ACR Supports Practicing Rheumatologists
A new presidential administration took office in January 2017. Although no one truly knows what directions our government and economy will take, one projection is that healthcare regulatory and insurance coverage policies will change, possibly dramatically. In a time of uncertainty, rheumatologists and rheumatology health professionals can turn to the ACR/ARHP for support, guidance and…
The ACR Insurance Subcommittee Advocates for Fair Payer Policies
The ACR is committed to advocating for appropriate coverage and payment policies. The volunteer members of the Insurance Subcommittee (ISC) lead this effort by representing the ACR and its membership to the insurance industry. The ISC engages payers to ensure their policies are clinically appropriate and promote patient access to high-quality care and treatment. The…
SGR Fix Finally on the Horizon?
By a 51–0 vote, the House Energy and Commerce Committee in July passed H.R. 2810, legislation that would repeal the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula. (posted Sept. 9, 2013)
President’s Perspective: Will the Physician Payment Sunshine Act Shed Light on Conflicts of Interest?
What rheumatologists should know about complying with the PPSA when it goes into effect on August 1
ACR Talks to Congress about Physician Payment Reform
This year, key congressional committees that oversee healthcare have held hearings on the flawed Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula and are discussing various payment reform options. The ACR has submitted testimony to the key committees encouraging Congress to: