LONDON (Reuters)—Scientists in the U.S. say they have taken a step toward developing a possible diagnostic test for chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition characterized by exhaustion and other debilitating symptoms. Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine say a pilot study of 40 people, half of whom were healthy and half of whom had the…

Fellows’ Forum Case Report: Progressive Weakness and Debilitation with Skin Rash
The Presentation A pale, quiet woman—her mother—wheeled the girl into my clinic. It was a blistering Florida day, and the girl was shivering. She glanced up at me when I said hello and asked her name. “Hi,” she said, giving me a broad smile. Her smile was the only broad thing about her. Her elbows…

How to Manage, Treat Anemia of Inflammation in Patients with Rheumatic Disease
Anemia is common in patients with systemic rheumatic disease, yet it may not get the attention it deserves. Anemia can result from chronic inflammation, treatment side effects or other disease factors, or it may signal an unrelated condition. Although diagnosis and treatment of anemia are sometimes challenging, clinicians must do their utmost to rigorously investigate…

Hemoptysis in a Young Indian Male
A 22-year-old Indian male presented to the emergency department with hemoptysis. A month prior, he had presented to an urgent care center complaining of cough with occasional episodes of blood-tinged sputum in the morning. He was diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia based on a chest X-ray without laboratory testing and was prescribed levofloxacin. A few days…

Autoantibodies in Autoimmune Myopathy
In recent years, scientists and clinicians have learned a great deal about autoantibodies occurring in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs). These new discoveries have reshaped our understanding of distinct clinical phenotypes in IIMs. Scientists continue to learn more about how these autoantibodies shape pathophysiology, diagnosis, disease monitoring, prognosis and optimum treatment. Moving forward, these autoantibodies will…

Rheumatology Case Report: Deep Vein Thrombosis Detected by Point-of-Care Ultrasound
Case A 46-year-old Caucasian female presented to the outpatient rheumatology clinic where she had been followed for several years. Her chief complaint was pain in her right knee, posterior right thigh and right hip that had begun gradually over the previous three weeks. Her past medical history was significant for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), obesity and…

Metagenomic Deep Sequencing for Uveitis Enhances Traditional Diagnostic Testing
Throughout their training and practice, physicians become adept at pattern recognition as a means to efficiently connect and synthesize seemingly disparate laboratory, physical exam, and radiologic and historical findings into a coherent theory for what likely ails the patient sitting in front of them. This inductive method of reasoning is necessary because, based on these…
Clinicians May Have Inaccurate Views of Benefits, Harms of Treatments & Tests
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Clinicians’ expectations of the benefits and harms of a wide range of treatments and tests are rarely accurate, according to a new study. “There was variation—with benefits and harms sometimes being overestimated and sometimes being underestimated; but there was a tendency for clinicians to more often underestimate (rather than overestimate) harms and…

Liquid Biopsy Provides Insights into Lupus
Microparticles in the blood of SLE patients may be a source of extracellular HMGB1, which is involved in immune response. Researchers found that analysis may be able to determine if the patient is producing dead, dying and activated cells that are important for SLE pathogenesis…

Diagnostic Tests, Tips for Gluten-Induced Celiac Disease
CHICAGO—Celiac disease—the gluten-induced illness that can be seen alongside rheumatic diseases—has been seen much more commonly over the past 20 years than it was previously, but the illness can come with questions that are not always straightforward, an expert said at the ACR’s State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium. The disease, in which the small intestine becomes inflamed…