CHAINFOTO24; Alex Ruhl / shutterstock.com
The ACR Board of Directors approved the ARHP Master Designation at its August 2017 meeting. The first two ARHP Master Designation awardees will be honored at the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting in Chicago on Oct. 20, 2018. Recognition as a Master of the ARHP is one of the highest honors that the ARHP bestows to members.
The designation of ARHP Master is conferred on ARHP members who have made outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology through service to the
ACR/ARHP, and advancements in research, practice, education and/or advocacy. Qualified individuals must also be age 65 years or older by Oct. 1 in the year in which they are nominated. ARHP members in good standing with a minimum of 10 consecutive years of membership and meeting the age requirements are eligible.
An ARHP Master is not required to pay annual fees, dues or assessments and has the privilege of attending the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting without payment of registration fees.
An ARHP Master:
- Receives priority housing for the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting;
- Receives guest passes to the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting Opening Lecture and Awards Ceremony;
- Attends the ACR/ARHP Masters’ reception;
- Attends the ACR/ARHP Presidents’ Reception;
- Is recognized at the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting with a certificate at the Opening Lecture and Awards Ceremony and a photo/biosketch display in the Exhibit Hall; and
- Is acknowledged in The Rheumatologist and on the ACR website.
If you are eligible or know an ARHP member who is eligible, consider completing an application packet. The application packet includes letters from two nominators, a completed ARHP Master Designation Form and the applicant’s curriculum vitae, highlighting accomplishments detailed on the ARHP Master Designation Form. Application packets will be reviewed in May of each year by the ARHP Membership and Nominations Committee, with recommendations forwarded to the ARHP Executive Committee for final approval. Decisions are announced after the July ARHP Executive Committee meeting.
Questions about the ARHP Master Designation can be directed to [email protected].
Elizabeth A. Schlenk, PhD, RN, FAAN, is an associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing and a past president of the ARHP.
Afton L. Hassett, PsyD, is the immediate past president of the ARHP, a clinical psychologist and an associate research scientist in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Michigan.