Lifestyle medicine interventions, such as dietary changes, movement and mindfulness, in combination with conventional treatment, may help alleviate symptoms of rheumatic disease, according to panelists at ACR Convergence 2023.

Lifestyle medicine interventions, such as dietary changes, movement and mindfulness, in combination with conventional treatment, may help alleviate symptoms of rheumatic disease, according to panelists at ACR Convergence 2023.
Amanda Myers, MD |
Let’s get to the point. Life is busy. Between my job as a rheumatologist, my volunteer work for the ACR, and parenthood, staying organized is a challenge. I’ve tried numerous organizational strategies whose logistics failed to meet my needs. My online calendar was too small to add detail. Events I needed to track monthly or…
Studies related to acupuncture and tai chi show some benefits for patients with musculoskeletal disorders, such as fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. When patients ask about these integrative health approaches, rheumatologists should recommend they use qualified, experienced practitioners.
Dana DiRenzo, MD, MHS |
The prescription is a powerful tool for a physician. As rheumatologists, we prescribe many things—drugs, physical therapy, durable medical equipment—but what about stress reduction? We are very specific about times of day to take medications and in what manner. Patients ask: With or without food? With other medications? Before or after other prescribed medications? If…
How are rheumatology professionals affected by the physical distancing and other challenges presented by COVID-19? The Rheumatologist interviewed Adena Batterman, MSW, LCSW, senior manager of inflammatory arthritis support and education programs at the Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, to discuss how the pandemic has changed the way she and her staff maintain continuity of…
Many physicians struggle with work–life balance, and burnout is a growing professional concern. New research suggests professional coaching may effectively reduce emotional exhaustion in physicians and improve their quality of life…
Reuters Staff |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is more effective than treatment as usual for improving function and other outcomes in patients with fibromyalgia, according to a new randomized trial. MBSR is an extension of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) intended to help patients change the way they experience symptoms, Dr. Albert Feliu-Soler of the Institut de…
Developing healthy and robust social support networks is vital to maintaining the mental health of healthcare providers and their patients. The ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting provides countless supportive opportunities, ranging from sessions to directed study and networking…
Will Boggs, MD |
(Reuters Health)—Mindfulness-based stress reduction programs (MSBR) appear to improve low back pain only slightly, and only temporarily, a review of previous research suggests. These programs combine meditation while sitting and walking, yoga, focusing attention on different parts of the body and incorporation of mindfulness/awareness into everyday life. Earlier studies found MBSR to be helpful for…
C. Ronald MacKenzie, MD |
Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while acknowledging and non-judgmentally accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations. Known in Sanskrit as smrti, meaning “to remember,” in Pali, the language of early Buddhist scriptures, it is recognized by the word sati (mindfulness).1 Derived from ancient meditative Buddhist disciplines,…