Mannion et al. set out to describe the adult rheumatology workforce in the U.S. by measuring the number of rheumatologists and advanced practice providers entering and exiting the field and studying their demographics.

Clinical Academic Rheumatology Generates Profits for Health Systems
Rheumatologists should be better compensated, in part, due to the revenue they bring to the hospital system from their procedures, argue D’Anna et al., who found that clinical academic rheumatologists bring significant downstream revenue to the healthcare system.

Conversation: RheumMadness 2022 Reproductive Health Guide Scouting Report
Rheumatologists play a critical role in the reproductive health of their patients, but only half of rheumatologists currently ask their patients about reproductive health or family planning issues. A new guideline seeks to change that.

Rheumatologists Saw a Gain in Compensation in 2020
Although patient volume temporarily declined due to the COVID-19 pandemic, rheumatologists saw a larger increase in compensation in 2020 than in 2019, according to a recent Medscape survey.

Insight into the Biosimilar Prescribing Habits of Rheumatologists
The use of biosimilar treatments is increasing, according to surveys conducted in 2018 and 2020 of rheumatologists from eight countries. In the two-year period, Japan had the largest increase in biosimilar prescriptions, with only 6% of surveyed rheumatologists reporting they prefer prescribing originator biologic agents.

COVID-19 Vaccines: Implications for Rheumatology Practice & Research
In late December, the ACR convened a COVID-19 Vaccine Consortium via a conference call to consider rheumatology’s place in the massive worldwide effort to develop, test, deliver and further study the vaccines promising to bring the historic pandemic under control.

The Importance of Community: Rheumatology Professionals Find Different Ways to Support Their Patients & Neighborhoods
Working in support of underserved communities, making and donating masks, volunteering with local rheumatic disease-focused organizations—these are just some of the ways rheumatology professionals have been giving back to their patients and communities…

Forging New Ways to Teach in Response to COVID-19: Q&A with Anisha Dua, MD, MPH
Unable to connect with rheumatology fellows and patients in person, Anisha Dua, MD, MPH, and a team of rheumatologists have worked quickly to find new ways to communicate and share resources. Dr. Dua directs rheumatology medical education and the fellowship training program at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH), Chicago. She spoke with The Rheumatologist about how…

How to Maintain Connections with Colleagues, Staff & Patients During a Pandemic: A Q&A with Reshma Khan, MD
As the cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in South Florida, Reshma Khan, MD, a rheumatologist at the Palm Beach Rheumatology and Wellness Center, Jupiter, Fla., is being careful to emphasize social distancing, but not social isolation. Dr. Khan believes that, during this pandemic, it’s more important than ever for rheumatologists to share support and…
The Personal Side of COVID-19: Q&A with Philip A. Waller, MD
The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is disrupting rheumatology clinics and practices all over the world. In the U.S., many providers are turning to telemedicine to care for their patients, but struggles remain. Philip A. Waller, MD, who practices at Accurate Clinical Research, Houston, spoke with The Rheumatologist about how the pandemic is affecting his…
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