Georg Schett, MD, presented the latest research into CAR T cell therapy for rheumatic diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus & other conditions. These findings demonstrate remarkable and durable efficacy for the treatment, as well as the potential for disease remission in some patients.
Patients with a specific genetic predisposition for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may want to take precautions when consuming certain types of meat, dairy and produce grown with cow manure, according to a new study out of the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando. The study, which assessed 100 RA patients, published in the journal Frontiers…
Research suggests prednisone treatment can selectively modulate the signatures of regulatory T (Treg) cells, eosinophils and neutrophils in patients with IgG4-related disease. The results show IgG4-related disease may result from an imbalance of immune and inflammatory cells…
Metabolic control of T cell locomotion provides new opportunities to interfere with T cell invasion into specific tissue sites, according to new research…
A recent study, conducted by the Vasculitis Clinical Research Consortium and funded by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), examined whether the addition of abatacept, a drug that affects T cell activation, to standard prednisone treatment could reduce the risk of relapse in patients with giant cell arteritis (GCA).1 Although…
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Speaking at the 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting in a session titled ARHP: Immunology Boot Camp I: Basis of Targeted Therapy, a rheumatologist and immunology expert gave a guided tour of the immune system, described what can go wrong with it and outlined what physicians can do when it does. Troy Torgerson, MD, PhD, associate…
Celiac is an autoimmune disease with both gastrointestinal and neurological implications. A recent review examined the immunological research on celiac disease to date, detailing the role of T cells and the protein TG2 in disease pathology…
Research has identified a subset of T cells, peripheral helper (TPH) cells, which may promote pathological B cell responses and antibody production in patients with seropositive RA. TPH cells also express chemokine receptors, enabling them to infiltrate inflamed parts of the body and stimulate B cells to produce antibodies…
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Researchers at the 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting discussed how they are exploring the immune system in search of groundwork for new rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatments. The new avenues, supported by the Rheumatology Research Foundation, involve T cell adhesion, new understanding of the role of macrophages and insights into the way IgG glycans function. T…